I have finally finished cutting all of the fabric for the top of my quilt. I had to stop a couple of times because the cat kept jumping on the table, he wanted to help me. Now I’ll have to cut an equal number for the back of it.
Ho cominciato a mettere giù un certo numero di quadrati secondo lo schema che volevo fare, ma come vedete il tavolo non era abbastanza grande.
I started putting some squares down just to see how the quilt would appear, but as you can see the table wasn’t big enough.
Purtroppo non so quando potrò iniziare ad unirlo tutto insieme perché, forse sapendo il lavoro che aveva davanti, la mia macchina per cucire ha dichiarato sciopero e l’ho dovuto portare al negozio.
Unfortunately I don’t know when I will be able to start because my sewing machine has gone on strike and I have had to take it to be repaired. Oh well.
Buon weekend a tutti
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